EC101: Links for 12th September, 2019

Following on from my review of “Launching The Innovation Resistance”, here is a selection of five papers from its bibliography that I enjoyed going over.

  1. “Using a sample of engineered mice that are linked to specific scientific papers (some affected by the NIH agreements and some not), we implement a differences-in-differences estimator to evaluate how the level and type of follow-on research using these mice changes after the NIH-induced increase in openness. We find a significant increase in the level of follow-on research. Moreover, this increase is driven by a substantial increase in the rate of exploration of more diverse research paths. Overall, our findings highlight a neglected cost of IP: reductions in the diversity of experimentation that follows from a single idea.”
    The title of the paper is much more entertaining: Of Mice and Academics(!)
  2. Understanding patent thickets (Note: this is a JSTOR link, you may not be able to download the paper. If so, my apologies!)
  3. The patent paradox revisited (Again, a JSTOR link)
  4. On roses and patents (I really enjoyed reading about this in the book, and therefore this paper as well)
  5. On the history of patent law.

Author: Ashish

Blogger. Occasional teacher. Aspiring writer. Legendary procrastinator.

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