Links for 30th November, 2018

  1. Gender and tech.
  2. Crossing the river by feeling the stones.
  3. The FT is worried about future trends in international trade.
  4. Ostensibly about 1MDB (have you heard about it) – but there are truly important lessons here about so much more.
  5. Gurugram’s Metro – this is depressing, but unsurprising reading.

Links for 29th November, 2018

Today’s links have been shared by Sundaresh Sankaran, an old friend and an ex-colleague. It’s his post, essentially – I hope you enjoy reading them.

1. Read the New York Times’ obituary for Stan Lee.

2. This Veterans Day week, remembering Lee Marvin – a war hero on film and a veteran in real life

3. Spike Lee on depicting society through his films

4. Will there be an Amazon effect on the declining comics book industry ? –

5. … and whatever age you are in, keep active, as the Incredible Hulk still does.

Links for 28th November, 2018

  1. Niranjan Rajadhakshya on WWI and the Indian economy.
  2. China’s triangular trade.
  3. On superstar firms and superstar cities… what kind of questions should we be asking?
  4. Economics is hard: the Uber edition.
  5. Should one (always) aspire to scale?

Links for 27th November, 2018

  1. Choices, costs, horizons and incentives – otherwise known as a review of Stubborn Attachments.
  2. Data from housing in India, via Gulzar Natarajan.
  3. On reforms (and the lack of them) in Pakistan.
  4. Obesity and globalization.
  5. Truly cashless? Sweden.

Links for 26th November, 2018

  1. On Shane Parrish.
  2. Bill Gates and poop.
  3. A useful website for data
  4. Magic number 7.
  5. On the carbon tax.

Links for 25th November, 2018

  1. The lies that Simon Wren-Lewis was told.
  2. Mapping monopolies in America.
  3. Adams (that’s Scott) on Trump.
  4. A useful list of articles about growth.
  5. Tyler Cowen on Jane Jacobs.

Links for 24th November, 2018

  1. Continuous vs phase changes.
  2. On the Scrabble champion.
  3. On that Waitrose editor.
  4. A very long, mostly depressing read about the Antarctic and climate change.
  5. On onion futures.

Links for 23rd Nov, 2018

  1. On Foxconn and Wisconsin.
  2. On the future of economic convergence (and a slightly optimistic note for the US)
  3. Is efficiency overrated?
  4. On freedom and the future of China.
  5. On stealing lunch (but much, much more, really)

Links for 22nd Nov, 2018

  1. Schooling matters, this link says. I remain mostly cynical.
  2. On connecting India. Great read.
  3. On pensions, and how attractive they might be.
  4. On why ideology is overrated.
  5. On why intervention in reforming education is overrated.

Links for 21st November, 2018

  1. The RBI doth protest too much?
  2. Incentives and horizons, the China edition.
  3. Have you heard of Bytedance yet?
  4. On China’s options where the yuan is concerned.
  5. I’ll be keeping an eye out for this textbook.