Etc: Links for 13th December, 2019

  1. Via Girish U, a lovely read on video games, and archeology… of mind bending types.
    “The mystery maze table in Entombed reminds us that, even with a good record, fully understanding a game is another thing entirely. Maybe we’ll never quite grasp it. Entombed presents us – somewhat ironically – with a dead-end.

    The instruction manual, to be fair, did warn us. “Before you know it,” it read, “you’ll be entombed!””

  2. “Gods begins with a sweeping proposition Modern thinking began when man abandoned the belief that events are due to the whim of the gods and embraced the notion that we are active, independent agents who can manage risks. Thus in the worldview of ancient Greece, a man’s destiny swayed with the whim of the gods, logic prevailed over experimentation, and the use of letters for numbers inhibited man’s ability to calculate. But by the thirteenth century, new mental tools were in place the Hindu-Arabic numbering system, algebra, accounting, and other necessary equipment for the first insights into the laws of chance.”
    A review of Against the Gods, by Peter Bernstein. Lovely book, lovely review. Do read both!
  3. “Even if you don’t consider yourself a particularly superstitious person, you probably say “bless you” when someone sneezes, just in case the devil should decide to steal their soul – as our ancestors thought possible during a sneeze.”
    The Conversation on superstitions.
  4. Via the Browser, from the Paris Review, a thought-provoking article on superstitions.
  5. And why all the talk about superstitions? Check the date! Well, and the day!