10 links to awesome sauce sources about GDP

  1. For a truly fun, positively mind boggling application of GDP, try the Gapminder website. It is a LOT of fun, and a truly useful way to make sense of the world around you.
  2. The Marginal Revolution University is the place to go to for engaging videos on hajjar topics in economics. Over time, they’ve built up a truly useful repository, and you really should check it out. We’ll be giving multiple links over time, but to begin with, try this video about GDP.
  3. Need data on GDP for various countries but not sure about where to get it? The World Bank World Development Indicators are your friend in need. Click here to visit the page for GDP in particular, and if you are a data nerd, you’ll have a lot of fun.
  4. Another source would be the IMF database, or the World Economic Outlook database.
  5. If you want in depth data about Indian GDP in particular, you should visit the RBI database on the Indian economy. It won’t win any awards for user-friendly design, but it gets the job done.
  6. If reading really isn’t your thing, you might want to listen to an interview of Diane Coyle, by Russ Roberts on his podcast, EconTalk. Simply download the mp3 file, and listen at your leisure.
  7. If you really want to learn about GDP and India, there are two must read PDF’s. The bad news is, there is no TL;DR and they’re really long, and not exactly entertaining. Still, if you want to think through all of the issues that are involved in counting out India’s GDP, then reading the Sources and Methods and Changes in Methodology and Data Sources in the New Series of National Accounts are must reads. Not page turners, you understand, but must reads.
  8. If you haven’t had your fill of thrillers based on GDP, take a look at the guidelines set up for countries who want to report their national accounts.
  9. If reading long boring documents, published by the Indian government or otherwise, is not your thing, then you might want to read a book written by  Diane Coyle. It’s called  “GDP: A Brief but Affectionate History” and it really is worth your while.
  10. If you’ve stuck around till now (we hereby declare you an honorary nerd) you deserve to be rewarded. The Angus Maddison database, ladies and gentlemen, if ye olde GDP be your thing.


Author: Ashish

Blogger. Occasional teacher. Aspiring writer. Legendary procrastinator.

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