EC101: Links for 15th August, 2019

Another student of mine, Amruuta, got in touch recently asking about fair valuation and how to think about it. That a) got me thinking about the topic, and b) going down a rabbit hole of articles about the topic. And you have her to thank for today’s lot 🙂

  1. This is (probably) why Amruuta got interested in the topic in the first place.
  2. Bookmark, rather than read: a short explainer of the differences between the old and the new accounting standards. Note to readers: I am nowhere close to being more than a slightly informed layperson in this area. If anybody knows a more updated source, please let me know.
  3. How to do valuations in the first place?
  4. What is fair market value?
  5. A blog post from Fred Wilson (who has scored a deserved hat-trick, by the way) on hands on valuation exercises. The spreadsheets alone are worth it.


Thanks, Amruuta! I learnt a fair bit myself.