Tech: Links for 15th October, 2019

  1. “Imagine an invisible button between your thumb and index fingers – you can press it by tapping your fingers together. Or a Virtual Dial that you turn by rubbing thumb against index finger. Imagine grabbing and pulling a Virtual Slider in thin air. These are the kinds of interactions we are developing and imagining.”
    About Project Soli
  2. “With today’s smartphones, it’s possible to capture decent photos of the stars, planets, aurorae, meteors, satellites and the International Space Station – if you know the right tricks.I’ve been using my iPhone for astrophotography since 2012, and have learned some techniques for taking night photos that show more than fuzzy, out-of-focus dots. All of the photos in this article were taken with my iPhone unless otherwise noted, and here’s how you can achieve similar results.”
    Even before tonight’s event, it is possible to shoot photos of space using just your phone.
  3. A useful website to look at to figure out how good the camera really is on a smartphone – although as always, broader research is a good idea.
  4. “This is also how the smartphone app Shazam can recognize a song. It splits the music into chunks, then uses Fourier’s trick to figure out the ingredient notes that make up each chunk. It then searches a database to see if this “fingerprint” of notes matches that of a song they have on file. Speech recognition uses the same Fourier-fingerprinting idea to compare the notes in your speech to that of a known list of words.”
    This article is by now gloriously outdated – things move fast in the tech world – but still is a useful article about Fourier transforms.
  5. And finally, here’s context for today’s links! The Pixel 4 will be launched today, and while the phone is almost certain to be out of my budget (sob!), I remain excited about the phone itself. I have the Pixel 2 right now, and the camera on that phone has converted me from a “What’s the big deal about cameras on phones?” to a compulsive clicker of photographs.