Explain Stuff To People

I played a kiviq.us game in one of the classes I taught the other day, which happens pretty much every semester. By the way, if you haven’t used the website yet, please do give it a whirl. And the more the merrier – the last class, there were more than a hundred participants, and I can’t begin to tell you how much fun it was.

My assignment was based on the game too: the students had to go back home and play the game with friends and/or family, and then write up what they learned by helping other people play the game.

And the reason I bring this up is that I think learning happens best when you help other people learn. It’s one of the most famous quotes ever, and I’m certainly not claiming originality, but I am definitely re-emphasizing its importance and relevance: you learn best when you teach.

So if you really want to get a handle on a topic or a concept, get somebody to listen/read/see your explanation of a particular topic.

And speaking of which, learn a bit about Jack Corbett:

Mr. Corbett is an assistant producer of the NPR show “Planet Money,” who creates chaotic, studiously unpolished videos about economics for TikTok. Using pixelated graphics and low-fi editing, he produces skit-like primers on such arcane economic topics as Korean jeonse loans, how the NFT bubble can be explained by the greater fool theory, and time theft for low-wage workers.
“I try not to learn how to do things right,” said Mr. Corbett, who records his videos on a refurbished iPhone X. “For a while I used green screens as my drapes.”


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: so long as you have an internet enabled smartphone (no matter how basic), you can help others learn, and I would argue that you should. For your own sake as much as that of others.

It’s almost like life is a non-zero sum game or something.

Three Excellent Games to Play (Econ related)

We’re running a small workshop on experimental and behavioral economics at the Gokhale Institute, and we had great fun playing these games yesterday.

  1. Bad News: a game that teaches you how (worryingly) easy it is to get addicted to generating, sharing and amplifying bad news. Yes, I know this isn’t news, exactly – but playing this game allows us to actively participate in the process. And like I said, what is worrying is the ease, and the addiction. Give it a shot, doesn’t take more than 10 minutes.
  2. Go Viral!: In similar vein, but more topical.

Both of these I found out about via Behavioral Scientist.

And the excellent, excellent, kiviq.us. I’ll be using this again and again in the years to come – a very simple, very hands-on way to help students understand double oral auctions.

Have fun – and please reach out if you need help running any of these games. I’d love to help out, if I can in any way.