Old, by Twitter Standards, But A Useful Read on Hotstar

Links you might like to read about India and the corona virus

Prachi Singh, Shamika Ravi and Sikim Chakraborty run the numbers on India’s health infrastructure, and the results are less than perfect:

In this piece we focus on availability of government hospital beds for major states in India. Using data from National Health Profile–2019, we observed that there are 7,13,986 total government hospital beds available in India. This amounts to 0.55 beds per 1000 population. The elderly population (aged 60 and above) is especially vulnerable, given more complications which are reported for patients in this age group. The availability of beds for elderly population in India is 5.18 beds per 1000 population.

The Print has an analysis of the people in the taskforce handling the crisis at the very top.

The Ken had a story some days ago about testing in India (you’ll need to sign in to read it). Hopefully, the situation is better now.

Jean Dreze has some suggestions about tackling the economic impact of the lockdown, particularly the poorest sections of Indian society.

as does Reetika Khera.


Tech: Links for 24th December, 2019

Beginning today through until the 31st of December, I’ll link to five pieces from each category that I enjoyed collating this year. There’s no science or overt logic to any of them: I’m just going to scroll through the posts, and replug those that I enjoyed re-reading. Hopefully, next year, I’ll get a little more scientific about it. Happy holidays!

  1. Let’s help ourselves understand Stratechery and it’s Aggregators concept.
  2. I wish the world would get more excited about Oumuamua!
  3. I hope to be working (from a writing papers viewpoint) on urbanization in the coming year.
  4. I am an unabashed fan of Google, and it’s products. With some caveats, about which I hope to write in the coming year. But kudos to them for doing what they do, especially in education!
  5. Five great reads from The Ken.