Tech: Links for 29th October, 2019

  1. Aadisht writes on his blog about a podcast he listened to recently, about journaling. Worth reading, and maybe listen to the podcast too? I haven’t.
  2. I used this service for a long time, and did daily journaling fairly regularly for a period of about three, maybe four years. But OhLife wasn’t financially viable, and since then, I just haven’t been able to get into the habit again. It was a very simple service – every night, at 8.30, they’d send you an email, asking you to log your entry, and over time, they’d show you what you’d written a week, month or year ago. Haven’t found anything as good, or as simple, since.
  3. Tim Ferriss explains his morning routine when it comes to journaling, and explains its importance.
  4. Zapier lists out ten journaling apps (I don’t have a clear favorite…)…
  5. As does Lifehacker.

Tech: Links for 10th September, 2019

Five tech products that I really like the sound of. The cost of this blog is two hours of Googling, but on balance? Worth it. Note: I haven’t used these products – this is neither a recommendation nor an endorsement. I just enjoyed learning more about them, and the problem they’re trying to solve.

  1. Airtable.
  2. Zapier.
  3. Notion.
  4. Slack. I’ve been trying to get folks at Gokhale Institute to use Hangouts, but the struggle is real!
  5. Todoist.