India: Links for 9th December, 2019

Five rather eclectic links from a variety of issues pertaining to India. Also, my apologies about the delay in posting today! I’m traveling a fair bit, and there may be some delay in posts this week.

  1. Surjit Bhalla and Karan Bhasin present the other side of the story when it comes to the release (or lack of it) of the NSO consumption survey.
  2. The Scroll sheds light on a little known issue today: austerity in marriages in India in the years gone past – enforced by the government!
  3. Anupam Mannur and Pranay Kotasthane make the important, but not well known point that Bangalore needs more firms (and more people!) not less.
  4. Via Mostly Economics, a lovely write-up about the fish traders of Madras.
  5. 18000 birds died in Rajasthan recently. Here’s why.

Paul Krugman on a Roller Coaster

This made my day. Via MR: